Dunlop K 425

    K 425
    Dunlop   K 425

    The K425 is a diagonal tyre designed to perform well on mid-range cruiser motorcycles.

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    K425 tyre review

    Average based on 13 test results
    Grip in dry conditions
    Braking in dry conditions
    Grip in wet conditions
    Braking in wet conditions
    Grip in snow
    Driving comfort
    Internal noise level
    Tyre wear
    Fuel consumption
    •  3.5 from 5
      les davis - 06.12.2014
    • Grip in dry conditions
      4 from 5
      Braking in dry conditions
      3 from 5
      Grip in wet conditions
      4 from 5
      Braking in wet conditions
      4 from 5
      Grip in snow
      3 from 5
      Driving comfort
      4 from 5
      Internal noise level
      4 from 5
      Tyre wear
      1 from 5
      Fuel consumption
      3 from 5
      1700 km with kawasaki en 500
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    134.46 £

    Prices include VAT and delivery within Ireland
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    2 - 4 working days delivery time**
    30 days return policy
    A lot of fitting station partners
    *Prices include VAT and delivery within mainland UK (excl. Scottish Highlands).
    **More than 90% of our orders reach the customer in the specified delivery time.
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